Cryptocurrency and The BlockChain

Adam Shaffer
5 min readAug 13, 2020

cryptocurrencies and how they work

Wikipedia Commons

I have been fascinated by cryptocurrencies for a while now. It is an understatement to say they have a mixed reputation. Opinions about them range from unending praise to scorn. Some say they will usher in a new age overturning old economics. Others believe they are a Ponzi scheme only used by drug dealers that will destabilize national economies. I look at them as a fascinating space that could potentially change how people interact and relate with each other in the marketplace.

Whatever you think about them, I’d like to give you a brief introduction to this new trend and the technology that underlies it the blockchain. The mathematics that fuels blockchain technologies and, therefore, cryptocurrencies are exceptionally complex. However, the basic idea and mechanisms behind cryptocurrencies are simpler to explain.

Decentralization and Trust

First, the basic ideas behind cryptocurrency are decentralization and trust. The goal of cryptocurrency is to decentralize the creation and transactions of digital money; while maintaining both verification and assurance. In contrast, with fiat currency, a centralized institution, namely a central bank, controls its issuance. Cryptocurrencies achieve both decentralization and trust through the blockchain.



Adam Shaffer

A full-stack software developer who likes writing about tech.